Saturday, October 31, 2009

Temple bike ride just the ticket for a fun day out

Riders at last year's Angkor Wat Bike Race on the temple course.Participants in this year’s fourth annual Angkor Wat Bike Race and Fun Ride on Saturday December 5 will have a choice of completing one or three laps of a course which winds around temples including Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom.

The 30-kilometre one-lap course caters for amateurs, while the three-lap course is for more competitive cyclists. The event attracts international interest because of the spectacular temple scenery.

So far 50 people have registered, with another 100 or so expected to sign up before the day. Last year 125 people competed, and ride coordinator Drew McDowell of the Village Focus International NGO said he was hoping to better that number.

The race, held the day before the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon, is a fundraiser for Village Focus International which works on projects in education and rural development.

There will be a dinner on the evening before the ride and brunch afterwards at extra cost.

The race will start in front of Angkor Wat at 6am. Participants will receive a T-shirt, a certificate of completion, and a basket of Kampot peppercorns.

The entry fee is US$50 for foreigners and $25 for Khmers with a special offer of $2 for Khmer women, some of whom will be given free bike rental.


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